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Hi guys, I put together this plugin for Adobe products that will allow you to patch AMT. This allows for devices running AMT to emulate different computers and services. This way, you are able to see if the software is running correctly on your computer. To use it, simply go into Settings -> Patcher -> Patch AMT Emulator Plugin. You can then change the device that is being emulated by pressing the Device button next to each one of them before pressing Launch Patch. It's also possible to rename the "Program" under Patched Devices by pressing New Program in settings before pressing Launch Patch again. You can download the patch from here. This software has been tested on Windows XP & Windows 7, it doesn't work on windows 8.1 and 10 because of a change in the way the operating system handles these plugins. My contributions: -Fix a bug that prevented a device from being correctly emulated, particularly on Windows XP 32 bits. -Add an option for devices to have a custom program name. -Add a column with the error code to better understand why it fails (in most cases). -Make sure all devices are able to be used (they weren't before). -Add a button to create a new patched device. -Add a button to launch the software even if NO devices have been patched, in order to use it as a normal AMT debugger. This software is free and I won't be held responsible for any damage caused by the use of this software. This software has been tested on Windows XP SP3 and Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 32 bits with Patched AMT versions from 1.2 to 1.5, but it may work on other versions as well as long as those versions have been patched with this tool. I would like to thank PainteR for developing this software and giving us the opportunity to test it. This software is made for educational purposes only, and is not endorsed by Adobe. The patching support has been added to AMT Patcher v0.57l (it is still not fully functional; there are some small problems). If you want to be able to use it on Windows 8, make sure you install the version of AMT Patcher v0.57l that was released after June 2016 (the latest version at the time of writing this article). The patching support has been added to AMT Patcher v1. 0 (it is still not fully functional; there are some small problems). The patching support has been added to AMT Patcher v1.1 (Make sure you install the version of AMT Patcher v1.1 released after June 2016, as explained above). AMT Patcher v1.2a allows you to emulate a Windows computer on any other computer. You can find it here; it is fully functional and does not depend on AMT v1.3 (even if I advice to not older than AMT v2.0 as it will probably give you errors).AMT – I have a question – Answer – http://www.adobeforums. cfa1e77820